Mellombels – Diploma Exhibition 2021

Mellombels is a Norwegian word with two slightly different meanings;
Forbigående—meaning transitory or momentary, and more literally insisting that this state will pass away, or even that you can take an active stance by walking on,and Midlertidig—emphasizing on the perspective of time and the temporary, provisional state of the inbetween.
Welcome to the 2021 exhibition of the Diploma studio. Developing a project during a pandemic is like working within a landscape of the temporary. From the terms that we all have grown to dread; restriction, lockdown, social distancing— came a need to prepare for various scenarios, stay flexible in methodology, and trust the process. In some ways, the restrictive conditions of the pandemic have pushed Oskar Hansen’s ideas of Open Form— the didactics and spatial understandings of BAS’ approach to architectural methodology—to new levels.
We hope the work you will see exhibited reflects the students’ will and ability to excel, regardless of unpredictable challenges along the way. And most importantly, we hope you enjoy, find inspiration and food for thought. Here, in the landscape of the temporary.
Dates : 22. – 29. August 2021
Opening hours: Saturday and Sundays 12:00 – 18:00 / Monday – Friday 14:00–20:00
Location: Bergen School of Architecture, Sandviksboder 59-61a 5035 Bergen
The exhibition is free of charge and please wear a mask. Welcome!