Sverre Sondresen

(Tønsberg, NO). Born i 1976. Graduated from Bergen School of Architecture(BAS) in 2002. The diploma thesis UBO02(Sondresen/Ruud) was exhibited at Norsk Form in 2003, and published in The Norwegian Architectural Review the same year. Teacher and Diploma supervisor at BAS from 2002. Guest teacher and appointed examiner at NTNU(Trondheim) 2008-2014. Worked as Chief Architect in the Norwegian State Housing Bank, Hammerfest region, 2004-2005. Architect at Ola Roald Architecture 2005-2010. Founded his own practice ARK-TELLUS in 2011 with Eivind Hanch-Hansen. Has written several articles and lectured on the topic of architecture and pedagogy i Norway, Denmark and Finland. Experiance as performing arcitect for large and small projects in all phases.