BAS students are the most content in Norway

Every year NOKUT (the Norwegian Agency for Quality Assurance in Education) conducts a Student Survey on how the students perceive the quality of their education. This is Norway’s largest student survey,and gives a unique and important insight into the students’ view of study quality The survey is aimed at students in the second year of their bachelor and master., and was conducted in the autumn 2022. 39 % have replied to the survey.
In a time when the overall satisfaction among students in Norway has declined, BAS students express an overall satisfaction score of 4,8 (on a scale from 1-5). This is the highest score in Norway. The next institution on the list has a score of 4,4.
This is very gratifying, and an inspiration to all of us at BAS to continue our work on quality in our education.
Read more about this in Khrono: (in Norwegian)
About the Student Survey
- Studiebarometeret and the work on the online portal is done by Nokut on commission from the Department of Education.l
- The survey was conducted for the 10th time in the autumn 2022.
- Approximately 28.000 students in their second year on bachelor and second year on master level have replied, and that is a responserate of 39,5%.
- The survey covers approximately 1 900 study programmes in all norwegian university and colleges.
- This includes both stately and private higher education institutions.
- The results from each programme can be found at
Source: Nokut