Do you want to go on exchange? – Day 1
Nov 01, 2023
As part of your degree at BAS, you are able to study abroad after you have completed your 3rd year exam. In order to help you to choose where to go, we have asked our incoming and returning exchange students to present their schools abroad. We will arrange a few of these presentations during the autumn and spring term. Do not miss this chance to learn why a certain school and country could be an option for you. Welcome to all interested!
- 1200-1215: University of Antwerp, Belgium, by Sophie Aldibs
- 1215-1230: University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland, by Ani Finance
- 1230-1245: MSA Münster School of Architecture, Germany, by Johanna Gulde
- 1245-1300: Aalto University, Finland, by Lina Lukashaugen