Student life
New student
In order to start using the school as a student, there are a few things you need to know and be aware of. Press the part you want to know more about.
Rights and obligations
Learning Environment
A good learning environment is important in everyday study and for the quality of studies. At BAS, the learning environment must be creatively and professionally challenging, but also good and safe, faciliateted for the invididual when needed.
The Learning Environment Committee (LMU) shall contribute to the work with the learning environment, participate in planning and follow up on development. Attached is more information from LMU, among other things, tips and advice for the learning environment in your studio, contact information and how to report cases. Here you will find BAS ‘deviation notifier Speak out!.
The student ombudsman is an independent assistance person whose task is to provide students with advice and assistance in matters related to the study situation.
The Student Ombudsman’s most important function is to provide advice on rights and obligations in student matters to students and staff. The student ombudsman is not a party representative and does not make decisions in individual cases.
All contact with the student ombudsman is subject to a duty of confidentiality and inquiries from students and staff are treated confidentially upon receipt. BAS has entered into a collaboration with UiB and NHH on a joint student ombudsman.
More information on student ombudsman.
Privacy and GDPR
BAS Privacy Declaration is about how the school collects and uses personal information. It applies to information obtained from applicants, registered students, employed and engaged staff and any partners. It applies to information stored electronically and on paper.
BAS respects the right to privacy and the school’s processing of personal data takes place in accordance with the Act on the processing of personal data and associated regulations.
The teaching at BAS
- What to expect as a student at BAS? What does the teacher expect from you?
- About your schedule
- Absence /warning
Facilitation and special challenges
Universities and University Colleges Act §4-3 (5) “The institution shall, as far as possible and reasonable, facilitate the study situation for students with special needs. The facilitation must not lead to a reduction in the academic requirements set for the individual study program”.
Are you in need of facilitation? Read more here.
User participation and student democracy
It is very important that you get involved as a student at BAS. We welcome initiative. In addition, there are a number of councils, committees and commissions you can choose to sit on to represent the student body. Evaluation of courses and teaching is also very important for quality assurance at BAS. Read more here.
Here you will soon see what some of our students have to say about being a student at BAS. Under development. Will be published later.
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