Årets diplomutstilling er åpen for publikum fra 20. – 27. August 2023. Diplomstudenter vil være tilgjengelig for spørsmål og introduksjon i løpet av utstillingsperioden. Gratis inngang.

Åpningstider: mandag – fredag: 1500-2000 / lørdag – søndag: 1200-1800

Uro Substantiv

uro m eller f (bokmål), f (nynorsk), c (riksmål)

“Noe som er urolig, i bevegelse, ikke i ro.”

Uro, meaning unrest/restlessness, is the name of this year’s diploma exhibition at Bergen School of Architecture. This to describe a somewhat unsettled point of view of the current status, and the wish to find a balance or to negotiate. 

Uro is a way to describe the field of architecture that is in constant development, questioning the role of the architect in a polarized political landscape followed by an emerging climate crisis.    

An architect is always in negotiation with their surroundings, evaluating the use of land and resources. When raising the question of whether to build or not to build, Uro is the state before finding a balance. 

On the other hand, creating Uro means stirring something up or disrupting something. 

The 26 projects represented in the exhibition are showcasing different ways to interpret, transform or negotiate certain states of Uro. These situations are either intimate or systemic, local or global. 

With this, we welcome you to take on this year’s diploma exhibition with a certain Uro.