New restrictions from 7. – 14. February – BAS is closed

On Sunday 7. February the local authorities announced new restrictions in Bergen due to the new mutations that are discovered locally. The restrictions are set for a one week period, starting from Sunday Feb. 07th at 18.00, and ending Sunday 14th, at midnight, but the restrictions can be prolonged.
The consequence for our school is that we need to physically close our building and only can allow digital education for the coming week.
We will provide you more info on the cross courses as soon as we can.
Please note that there are more restrictions that affects you, not related to your study situation.
As for similar lock down earlier you can contact the administration, library and other staff on mail and telephone and you can contact the library if you wish to borrow books.
We urge you to collect necessary personal belongings at school today before 18.00, as the school premises will be physically closed after that. (Remember that you have to use a key card and code to enter in the weekends).
We wish you a good week, and hope that we will be able to see you again at school in not too long.
You can read more in the municipal page;
The restrictions are defined by the national government as described in ‘forsterkede nasjonale tiltak’;
Where the higher educations are to physically close their campus and only conduct digital education as described;
§ 16f.Opplærings- og utdanningsinstitusjoner
Lokalene ved opplærings- og utdanningsinstitusjoner som nevnt i covid-19-forskriften § 12a bokstav d, e, f, h og i skal holdes stengt for elever og studenter, slik at undervisningen skjer digitalt, med de unntakene som følger av midlertidig forskrift 26. mai 2020 nr. 1061 om tilpasninger i reglene om barnehager, grunnskoler og videregående opplæring som følge av utbrudd av covid-19 § 3a første ledd bokstav b jf. andre ledd.