OPEN CALL- BAS Master Studio Courses Autumn 2021

Bergen School of Architecture (BAS) launches hereby an open call for proposals for 4th – 5th year (master) studio courses for the school’s Master of Architecture. The call invites applicants to propose, plan and conduct a semester studio course in the autumn semester 2021.
In addition to the studio courses offered by the school’s academic staff, BAS invites regularly external applicants to conduct additional master studio courses. The aim of this practice is to enrich the range of studio courses offered to students with specific fields of knowledge, skills, competencies, discourses, and/or pedagogical approaches. Our open-call-practice expands our academic perspectives as a school and brings novelty and inspiration to our learning and teaching environment.
In the autumn semester 2021 the school plans to offer 3 master studio courses. This open call is intended to lead to the selection of 1 studio. The other two courses will be conducted by academic staff. Applicants are encouraged to propose topics that complement the following two studios:
Ocean Space will invite students to do a series of explorations on the interaction between sea and land, ways of representing and communicating these interactions, and ways of intervening as architects and urban designers.
Complex Context will invite students to study settlements in south Portugal and explore the potential of transforming their existing train infrastructure, which is currently in decay.
Proposals are expected to address topics of contemporary relevance, and to employ apt pedagogical ways of discussing these by bridging exploration and analysis and leading to carefully developed spatial responses.
Proposal content:
The course proposal should consist of:
A short text (2 to 4 A4-pages) describing the course’s title, topic and relevance, approaches and methodologies, skills to be gained by students and intended learning outcomes.
Teaching team:
A short bio of the main and supporting teachers, tutors, lecturers, workshopholders, etc. must be included together with a description of the responsibilities that each team member will have during the course.
The school has an explicit goal to facilitate a good balance between work produced physically and digitally. The COVID-19 pandemic has shifted the balance towards digital teaching and student production. In order to increase physical presence of the teachers at the school throughout the semester, it is asked that at least one of the key team members is based in the Bergen region.
BAS encourages female initiatives in order to strengthen the staff’s gender-balance.
Term period:
The semester term is from August 21st to December 20th, 2021.
Proposals must prepare for a group of 20-25 students.
Field trip:
Due to future uncertainty and health risks related to the COVID-19 pandemic, the school has an explicit goal to keep travel activities to a minimum. Briefs can propose field trips outside the Bergen region, but should also provide alternatives to the field trip that give an equivalent learning outcome for the students, in the case travelling is not possible.
Learning outcomes:
Context/site, pedagogical approach, complexity of the knowledge and skill sets to be acquired by the students, should be must considered that the level of complexity and autonomy should correspond to that of training the students to a self-defined diploma work.
The teaching language is English.
Proposals should be sumbitted latest on April 12 2021
Send submissions by email to
E-mail title: ‘Open-Call 4th-5th Year Studio Course Autumn 2021’
Evaluation and selection will be based on the content of the submitted proposal. The Academic Quality Committee (SKU) will be the organ in charge of the selection. Following selection by SKU, students will be placed in studios according to their choice.
Detailed plan (after selection):
The main teacher of the selected course(s) will be responsible for setting up a budget and a detailed plan/schedule for the studio. The plan should be as detailed as possible, outline the phases of progression for the whole semester, the dates when the different teachers will be present/available, and when study trip(s), workshop(s), lectures, and internal reviews will take place.
The school is required to send the detailed plan of the course to the students at least 2 weeks before the beginning of the semester. Selected applicants will be required to deliver the detailed plan/schedule for the course to the administration by Friday August 6 2021.
For further information on structure and budget, please contact administration,
Questions :
For questions regarding faciliteies or other, please contact :
Cecilie Andersson at / +47 988 36 892 – Rector /55363880