Performative approach to Urban Spaces2 week course with Andrea Spreafico.
The students in the third year at Bergen School of Architecture, have utilized the facilities at Live Studio to work on a performative project at the Smålungeren. The initiative is a part of a course that focuses on the urban scale, complex building and the «we» as a society. This year’s course revolves around the Lille Lungegårdsvann/ Smålungeren and its surrounding area.
During two weeks at Live Studio, the students have explored the area and honed their imagination through drawing exercises. The challenge was to envision a new situation centered within an already established setting. At the Bergen School of Architecture, we aim to extend our horizons and explore the relationship between the city and the water. In line with this, we spent our time at Live Studio constructing a raft, which was launched on Lille Lungegårdsvann. The raft allowed us to view the area from another perspective, encouraging us to reimagine the square as more than just the pond. The exercise gave the students the freedom to envision what could emerge beyond Lille Lungegårdsvannet, unconstrained by the boundaries of the water.

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Read article in BA Derfor er det en flåte på Smålungeren