24 new masters in Architecture

Today we had the final day of the diploma exam 2023, and we are happy to announce that 24 candidates have passed their final exam, and are ready to go out into the world and practice architecture. The exam took place from 26.-30. June, and 2 teams of assessors have been working parallel to examine all candidates on their project.
The assessors on the red team were: Johanna Gulberg and Jesper Magnusson (architects), Karen Werner , (artist).
The blue team: Bjørn Otto Braaten and Dagmar Pelger (architects), Brian Griffiths (artist)
We appreciate the great job our external assessors have done, and are very happy for our newly graduates. The diploma ceremony will take place Saturday 19. August. The exhibition with all the diploma projects will be open for the public from 20.-27. August. Further information regarding opening hours will be announced beginning of August.
Congratulations to all!
The newly graduate masters in architecture are:
Bjørnevik, Rolf Magne
Chen, Jinfeng
Eide, Helene Isabelle Millan
Fercak, David
Gjesdal, Magnus and Håskjold, Nora (joint project)
Gulbrandsen, Kasper Lygre
Haugum, Marius
Hundsnes, Thea
Høiness, Jonas
Janssen, Martin Johan
Kiste, Hanna
Larssen, Øystein
Lau, Sing Chi
Ludvigsen, Petter
Markova, Sofya
Nilsson, Olivia Anna Beatrice
Olsen, Veronica
Scéau, Luna
Stavis, Mathias Nyland
Streitenberger, Sarah
Tatebe, Yasuyo
Valland, Vilje
Vik, Ola Torheim
The assessors: from the left: Bjørn Otto Braaten, Brian Griffiths, Karen Werner, Jesper Magnusson. (not in the picture: Johanna Gullberg and Dagmar Pelger.