Claudiu Tamas is the winner of Statsbygg Student Award 2020
8. December Statsbygg with the head of the jury, Else Bingen Sande, handed out their Student Award 2020 to the winner Claudiu Tamas for his diploma project «Upstream – Reimagining the collective dream of a city». Due to the covid-19 situation, the event took place via zoom.
The winner receives a prize of NOK 20.000,-. «Statsbygg wishes to encourage innovative and experimental studies of architecture among future generations of architects. The Student Award will be handed out to one or more student projects at the master level for particularly innovative and well executed project work performed in accordance with state guidelines within the field of architecture. In the evaluation, emphasis is placed on clarity in quality and form, in terms of identity, practical usefulness and aesthetic value».
Claudiu Tamas gave a presentation of his project.
Here you can read the jurys feedback on all 3 nominated projects.
BAS appreciates the support from Statsbygg.
Have a closer look at his project: