

av Tanguy Danis
Christof Mayer
Liege – Belgium

An( )other insight into learning spaces.

Disruptive Space is a multi-layered approach to education and architecture. As architects, we are responsible for designing learning spaces, yet most of us are unaware that education is a factor in today’s society and its social order.

Linear process prevents you from looking back at your mistakes. Awareness of your mistake makes you move forward. It is the only way to learn. You did not start walking with without falling on your knee.

The project will be an extension of an existing school that already operates with an alternative pedagogy by using keywords such as autonomy, citizenship, creativity in their way of teaching. The process brings a discourse and understanding of the classroom model and learning spaces to the architecture community. But it also brings the architectural discussion to its users as it all started after the essay with workshops with students from the school to understand two ideas: their daily life and the atmosphere they are seeking. With those ideas, there is a possibility to set up a new base to look at schools instead of replicating corridor and classroom that forms our childhood memories. The goal is to lift the quality of life in the school and, hopefully, the curiosity of its user.

The final result is no finality but a more a prospect to engage a discussion with those who seek to change schools. It is neither the greatest nor the most revolutionist idea but more a purpose to tackles what has been done countless time.