
Spaces for Conversation

av Håkon Lindahl
Pavlina Lucas
Vibeke Jensen
Nesbyen, Norway


How to create togetherness? The project enters from an interest of how tourism and cabins-industry affect and determine the life in Rural Norway. I have chosen to use my own home-village has the laboratorium. By diving into the local community, while also exploring the phenomena of friluftsliv and cabin culture in Norway, I find that this a situation deeply rooted in economy and culture. The cabin-industry uncovers a democratic issue, where the future of the village is mostly being defined by developers and the municipality.

Does this development happen on the terms of the village, or not? The project suggests that this topic is something that can not be solved alone, but has to be faced by the community together. How can architecture give room for this? Spaces for conversation.

The main goal of the project is to suggest simple steps that can contribute to make Nesbyen a more synergetic community. By inviting to think in new ways and find a way forward that is at terms with the communities core values. On an other level, the project can also apply to communities in similar situations, both nationally and internationally. The project itself is not directly transferable, but the methods and tools can be applied. The essence is to create togetherness, while enhancing and rethinking what is already there.