29 new Masters in Architecture from BAS

A challenging semester for our diploma students have come to an happy end. A digital examination took place from 27.-30. June 2020, and two external assessor teams have done an amazing job in evaluating the projects. The conclusion is that 29 candidates have passed their final exam at BAS and are now Masters in Architecture. We are very proud of how well our students have dealt with the special situation due to covid-19.
We will organize a digital exhibition of all the projects in August. More details on this will follow.
The assessor teams have consisted of:
Bjørn Otto Braaten (Norwegian architect), Noreile Bream (architect from Ireland), Bernice Donszelmann (artist from the UK)
Fredrik Barth (Norwegian architect), Emma Nilsson (architect from Sweden), Eamon O`Kane (artist from the UK)
We congratulate the following new Masters in Architecture:
Julie Barfod/Linda Figuereido/Julia Morrissey – joint project
Elisabeth Brandtzæg
Tilla Tine Bårdsdatter Bønes
Pernille Dale
Tanguy Danis
Solveig Døskeland
Susanne Oldereide Hansen
Karoline Haukjem/Emilie Van de Walle – joint project
Jim Hoddevik
Stephan Holvik
Axel Högberg
Lior Israel
Stein-Atle Juvik
Sindre Kartvedt
Cheng-Han Lee
Wan Lin
Wu-Lung Lu
Gustavo Majewski/Hillevi Nilsson – joint project
Stian Nærøy
Praewa Samachai
Rikke Skard-Garberg
Truls Slevigen
Christian Solbakken
Claudiu Bogdan Tamas
Hanne Ødesneltvedt