Most of my artistic work is situational. I work mostly with light, - light touching, form and space. This has resulted in a number of «light installations» interior and exterior. I work mainly with site based ideas; content and character. Materials are chosen according to the idea and in relation to the site.My choice of materials is unlimited;anything from traditional materials to building- or natural materials. The light can be natural or a variety of artificial light. The situations can be either small or large but always with one or another form of energy.My main focus is on relativity of space/form/light with a versatility. Light and space relativity is common to all my works. I am fascinated by light, yet not necessarily limited to the colour white whenever the situation requires something else.
(Tønsberg, NO). Born i 1976. Graduated from Bergen School of Architecture(BAS) in 2002. The diploma thesis UBO02(Sondresen/Ruud) was exhibited at Norsk Form in 2003, and published in The Norwegian Architectural Review the same year. Teacher and Diploma supervisor at BAS from 2002. Guest teacher and appointed examiner at NTNU(Trondheim) 2008-2014. Worked as Chief Architect in the Norwegian State Housing Bank, Hammerfest region, 2004-2005. Architect at Ola Roald Architecture 2005-2010. Founded his own practice ARK-TELLUS in 2011 with Eivind Hanch-Hansen. Has written several articles and lectured on the topic of architecture and pedagogy i Norway, Denmark and Finland. Experiance as performing arcitect for large and small projects in all phases.
An on-going master vision on new, alternative ways of living in a cultural landscape. A living lab preparing for an alternative future.
The life in between is recreated – after reactivating the existing buildings and spaces and adding new structures into existing footprints/foundations.
Bo;lab is a master vision for Vibrandsøy. The masterplan includes activating the island and create a community and society, similar to how it was there a hundred years ago. Bo;lab will constantly discuss new and alternative ways of (green) living. My project will result in a society that offers an alternative way of living than in the city.
The idea of this island becoming a «showcase» and inspiration for greener living is central, especially given the placement along and in proximity to the city.
This will be a society where people can live more simple – in micro houses – as long as they contribute to the community by working there. In other words, the community will be circular in two aspects; it is run by itself – partly self-sufficient with food (vegetables from the cropland) and electricity, and also the people living there circulates, as people live at Vibrandsøy as long as they have work on the island.
Illustration showing the space in between the modules/micro houses inside one of the existing boat houses - creating office spaces for entrepreneurial activities.
Illustration showing how the modules create new spaces in between and open up for new activities inside the open space of the greenhouse
: Illustration showing the new activity on the old cropland - growing Norwegian vegetables, as a part of being self-sufficient
Illustration showing an adapter placed at the town square in front of the city hall, acting as a transparent stall, showroom and information board for activities happening at Vibrandsøy
New structures in the face of cultural landscapes and cultural heritage
Ecosystem map for the future at Vibrandsøy, showing the new use - new living and working place - on the island
The decided shape of the module. This module will be placed in different places to activate areas. It will be repeated as a sauna, installations inside the greenhouse, as micro houses and as an adapter in the city center.
Illustration showing the spaces in between the modules/micro houses in the landscape. Also showing the materials used as facades - supporting circular economy
Illustration showing the space in between the modules/micro houses inside one of the existing boat houses - creating office spaces for entrepreneurial activities.
Illustration showing how the modules create new spaces in between and open up for new activities inside the open space of the greenhouse
: Illustration showing the new activity on the old cropland - growing Norwegian vegetables, as a part of being self-sufficient
Illustration showing an adapter placed at the town square in front of the city hall, acting as a transparent stall, showroom and information board for activities happening at Vibrandsøy
New structures in the face of cultural landscapes and cultural heritage
Ecosystem map for the future at Vibrandsøy, showing the new use - new living and working place - on the island
The decided shape of the module. This module will be placed in different places to activate areas. It will be repeated as a sauna, installations inside the greenhouse, as micro houses and as an adapter in the city center.
Illustration showing the spaces in between the modules/micro houses in the landscape. Also showing the materials used as facades - supporting circular economy
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