DIPLOMA 2012 - "The Flows beneath the Eave" by Min Zhang

The flows beneath the Eave - the renovation of the 1st cotton factory

Place: Wuhan, China
Student: Min Zhang
tutors: APP Andre Fontes, DAV Professor Vibeke Jensen 

In the last two centuries, the flourishing industrialization brought the world tremendous fortune and urbanization around the world. However, in the age of deindustrialization, many cities have to face the problem of reusing the land and facilities of the "brown field". 

The 1st Cotton Factory in Wuhan, China, which is more than 100 years old is in such a situation. 

The area, as the city plan, is to be the leisure land for the city which is visited by millons of tourist every year, and the site at the riverside, is surrounded by many tourist resources. 

A transformation is mad through the integration of garden, restaurants, markets, exhibitions and cabins within the historic structure. Inspired by the river and the hill, the new volumes flow into the old structure as landscape. The factory is revitalized as a unique focal point for residents to gather for social interaction and as the link of the history and life, city and nature. 

All photographs: Paal Hoff