Diploma 2013: “Mixing Axis" by Nils Eivind Horneland and Jørund Bjørlykke

-Sunnhordland Industrial Research Park

Students. Nils Eivind Horneland and Jørund Bjørlykke
Tutors: APP Espen Folgerø, DAV Thomas Wiesner
This diploma proposes an industrial knowledge hub as a strategy to develop the area between a historic city core and a suburban shopping area. The site of investigation is on the Island of Stord.
Each of the thirty largest cities in Norway emerged as a consequence of maritime infrastructure. However, as the use of automobiles has expanded, and with it the road network, it has replaced many of the functions that were provided exclusively by the sea. In the present the many small cities lining the highway appear more central than the historic city cores along the coastline. Local economic forces often catalyze this development and affect the local regulation plans. Cheap land along the highway is becoming the new ground for Norwegian cities. As a consequence the distancebetween different functions grow and parking lots become more important than the traditionalpublic spaces.
This development has been felt as a declining flow of commerce into the historic centres which undermines their viability. The result is a growing rivalry between two types of cores, as they competefor centrality.
The site under consideration is Stord, an island located in the region of Sunnhordland, on theWest coast of Norway. For the cities 18.000 inhabitants the last fifteen years have seen the historic centre of Leirvik challenged by a rapidly developing shopping area along the costal highway E39 at Heiane. Instead of development merging the two cores, a constant growth is taking place outwards, generating an ever greater distance between the evolving center at Heiane and Leirvik.
The community on Stord play a key role within the North Sea Offshore Industry. The primary production facilities in Sunnhordland are based on the island, and located a short distance from Leirvik and Heiane. The industry has proven highly resilient in adapting to global competition, yet once again they have begun loosing contracts and are being forced to reconsider how they can be competitive into the future.
We propose to expand the role of the existing industry through the creation of the Sunnhordland Offshore Research Cluster, situated between Leirvik´s historic city core and Heiane´s highway shopping core. The project aims to enrichen the existing qualities of the city with new research cluster, alongside dwellings, offices and a school. Together this has the possibility of preparing Stord´s future through promoting it´s specialized knowledge industry as a strategy to make a more united and coherent whole.


Model photo of staircase functioning as a public space towards water mirror
(photo: Klara Sofie Ludvigsen)

Model photo of people walking through the landscape of frameworks
(photo: Klara Sofie Ludvigsen)

Three sections of the building showing the test pool and the framework 
(photo: Klara Sofie Ludvigsen)

Situation model  showing the two axis crossing the test pool. The different volumes
consists of dwellings, offices, and schools.(photo: Klara Sofie Ludvigsen)