Diploma 2015: "Connecting relations within and beyond" by Joakim Knutsen

- proposing a new department at Blakstad Psychiatric Hospital

The shoreline in Asker situates Blakstad psychiatric hospital. The County bought the farm in 1902. In 1904 five new buildings were ready. The plan was to build a colonial structure, with one big building and smaller buildings surrounding. With the increase of patients they had to go away from the original plan and new bigger structures was built instead. This results in bad connections between inside and outside, as well as the landscape.

The project introduces a new department, and a new way of thinking security. The aim is to create a department that strengthens the center of the hospital and the connections inside and outside. With a more open structure, the department will create new relations between patients, staff and the public.


A picture of the site, with the borderline of Asker muncipality. 

The site is situated at the top of a hill, giving it good connections to the existing structures as well as view out to the fjord.

If you remove the constructed, you stand back with the natural. The space between creates beautiful pauses in the constructed parts. In a way these spaces are most times forgotten, but still there. The surroundings are influenced by the constructed, but that goes the other way as well. 


Different diagrams, showing different parts in the new department. From private to public, as well as how the building sets the security, or the border, between inside and outside. 

The construction of the new department. 



Plan of the ground floor.
The private patient rooms and the common areas for patients in the department and the rest of the hospital.



Section AA
One of the plazas inside the new department. 



Section BB
Breaking up the constructed to the view.


Model photos: