Diploma 2017: "BERGEN ECO SETTLEMENT An alternative living layer i Bergen" by David Harris

Tutors: Andre Fontes (APP), Hedvig Skjerdingstad (DAV), Harald Røstvk (sustainability), Sigurdur Gunnarson (TTA) 

How can eco-village aspirations be injected into Bergen to help with the city’s ambition to become Norway’s greenest city?


The project comprises a network of co-housing communities (agri-hubs) throughout the core of the city - in vacant industrial and commercial buildings - that grow key aquaponic foods for the city. The community also harvests food from other resources in the city (agri-sources), including areas of organic soil, city parks and aquaponics in post-oil and post-industrial buildings.


A new network of movement is proposed that connects agri-hubs and agri-sources with existing city programs. The new pathways avoid polluted main roads and more likely wind through local neighbourhoods and areas of natural beauty.


The new logic is applied in Sandsli, a suburban area to the south of Bergen.


In addition to its aquaponic community, Sandsli agri-hub becomes a new centre of the community, and includes a grocery store, fruit and veg market, aquaponic restaurant and community greenhouse. A waste to place initiative reduces waste food miles, whilst using waste as a resource to help generate new public places in this asphalt suburbia.


The settlement is based in or around existing commercial and industrial buildings, growing key warm-climate foods for the city


The settlement is located in Bergen's urban corridor - within 2km of Bergen's light railway - making eco-village aspirations available to urbanites


Five aquaponic communites (agri-hubs) inhabit existing industrial buildings, growing warm-climates food for the city. The community harvests food from agri-sources.


Various agri-sources throughout the city are maintained by the community.


Aquaponics (whereby fish provide nutrients for food growth) elimates the use of pesticides and fertilizers, uses 90% less water and produces around six times more food than conventional farming.


Average indoor temperatures in Bergen already exceed tropical climates needed for growing warm-climate foods (18°C+). Dontating living space to aquaponic food production reduces pollution from the long-distance transportation of these foods


Norway imports millions of litres of water each day in fresh fruit and vegetables, often from the most arid countries. Each Norwegian imports around 220ml of water each day - around 10% of their recommended daily allowance.


Existing buildings are a great resources for the settlement, and a new logic of movement connects the settlement's resources.


A new logic of movement proposed for Sandsli, connecting the new Sandsli Agri-hub with agri-sources, city functions and existing communites


Proposals for Sandsli


The new agri-hub in Sandsli utilises a vacant office building, that is humanised with new public movement, functions and meeting places.


Sandsli Agri-hub seen from Bergen's light railway


Sustainablity section

The waste to place initiative turns household waste and asphalt suburbia into public place and stronger communities


Exhibition photo


Exhibition photo


Exhibition photo