Diploma 2017: "Forecasting Ruin(s)- Evoking awareness at Veiholmen" by Roy Solheim Husevåg

Tutors: Jerome Picard (APP), Hedvig Skjerdingstad (DAV), Harald Røstvik (sustainability), Sigurdur Gunnarson (TTA)

Project description:

I wanted to understand the complexity of sea level rise and how it potentially could affect the Norwegian coast. My findings lead me to the conclusion that many rural villages will face great challenges, some likely too overwhelming to bear.

For my main project I’ve zoomed into the fishing village of Veiholmen, Smøla. This village is likely to be among the first in Norway to face the consequences of sea level rise. Most of the locals are ignorant to the forces that will impose on their village. As an outsider to their community, I do not see my role as providing them with a top down solution. I instead seek to evoke their awareness, with the hopes of stimulating them into action.

As part of this, an assembly is under planning. Here the municipality of Smøla together with meteorologists, oceanographers and me (!) will host. My diploma material will kickstart this event with a public exhibition. However, I am not convinced that technical maps or debate alone will sway them, therefore I’ve worked parallel with more long term actors that can influence the inhabitants of Veiholmen daily. These actors are simple installations in the landscape. The installations focus on state transitions between low/high tide and the projected sea level rise/village.

The goal has been to give the inhabitants access to markers and new perspectives of their village. Over time this may make them reach a new awareness. Together they may can then take charge of Veiholmen’s fate.

My diploma work should be seen as an attempt to communicate the threat of sea level rise to a small community and use architecture as a tool to evoke action.


Part of exhibition. 1:1 hybrid on floor


1:1 displaying difference in sea level rise and tide along the Norwegian coast.


Overview of formalization with programs and agendas.


 "Kråketårnet", one of the pavilions along the route.


Model of "Havtårnet", another pavilion.


One of the facade drawings of "Havtårnet".


Plan drawing of "Museumsfjæra".